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Oh hello!

So, I decided to start a blog. Disclaimer, I have no clue what I'm doing, or if I will even be good at it, but I like to write.. so here I am.

My wife and I live outside of Boston. We have two kids, a Girl, P who is three and a Son, L who is almost 4 months.  Although we live in an area where there are many diverse families, and we have many LGBT friends, we are still asked a lot of questions. How did you go about having kids? What is it like being a family with two moms? What do your  kids call you? Why did you carry and not your wife? The list goes on. Although there are many resources out there, we figured we could be one more. Before jumping into all of that a little about us...

To start, my wife and I have been married for 5 years, together for almost 10. We both knew we wanted children. For me it was the sooner the better, and the more kids the better. For her.. not so much. I talked her into our first, and then really sweet talked her into our second. If it were up to her she would have waited until we were in our thirties to start, and wanted to have them five years apart.
Well here we are both just turned 30, with a toddler, and infant. It's crazy, hectic, and tiring. It is also the best thing either of us has ever done. We crash ( most nights) by 9:30pm, after talking about how our days went still in awe that we have two amazing little kids that belong to us . She stays home with the kids, I work full time. We both work our asses off, and it can be hard as hell, but again every night before bed, when not scrolling on our phones, we talk about how much we love our kids, and how we could never picture doing this with someone else.
So future posts, you can bet on our journey to parenthood, being parents, being crazy, and how we try to stay sane.
